Rushmoor Liberal Democrats Local Party
Liberal Democrats in Rushmoor have a long and unrivalled record of service to their community through the popular borough council and their many of dedicated volunteer activists.
Liberal Democrats in Rushmoor have a long and unrivalled record of service to their community through the popular borough council and their many of dedicated volunteer activists.
Local residents have been stunned and angered by the arrogant reaction of local Conservative MP Gerald Howarth following revelations about his expenses.
Adrian Collett, the prospective Liberal Democrat parliamentary candidate for Aldershot constituency, has condemned the reaction of Conservative MP Gerald Howarth to the expenses issue as "arrogant" and "out of touch".
Liberal Democrat Councillors have attacked new proposals to increase the number of flights at Farnborough Airfield claiming the plan would have a devastating effect on the lives of local residents.
Liberal Democrat campaigner Cllr Adrian Collett urged the Planning Inspector to throw out proposals for a Mega-Depot at Pyestock last night. He was addressing the evening public session of the month-long Planning Inquiry.
Lib Dem campaigners Adrian Collett and Sue Gadsby are urging as many people as possible to come to the first session of the Pyestock inquiry on 25th November and an 'open evening' on 4th December. These will be held at Hart Leisure Centre, Hitches Lane, Fleet.
October is Black History Month - a chance to celebrate the Black British community, acknowledge their contributions and discover their stories.
Read Ed Davey's speech to the Liberal Democrats' Autumn Conference in Brighton
Carers are not just support for their loved ones—they are the glue holding our fragile social care system together. They deserve more than token acknowledgements or empty promises.