M3 Motorway changes in our area
M3 Motorway changes
The highways agency has recently released the following information about the M3 in our area.
Environmental assessments carried out on the proposed M3 smart motorway scheme between junction 2 and junction 4a on the M3 show that there is likely to be an adverse impact on local air quality if the motorway continues to operate at the national speed limit (70mph).
We want to deliver the much needed extra capacity and increased traffic flow that this scheme will provide without creating a significant adverse impact on local air quality. As such we are proposing to put in place a maximum speed limit of 60mph between junctions 3 and 4. This speed limit would be in place between 7am and 7pm for seven days a week and would help manage traffic and reduce congestion and air pollutants locally.
Please find a link below to the M3 junction 3 to 4 Consultation:
The consultation runs from 13 February 2014 to 11 April 2014 and we would like to hear your views
The project team are planning to hold public information exhibitions next year at which time further information on the design will be made available
Posted March 2014