Farnborough Civic Quarter
Let Rushmoor council know your views on the proposed new Civic Quarter in Farnborough. You may have received an info card through your door about proposals for the new Civic Quarter in Farnborough. You can also view this at https://rushmoordevelopmentpartnership.com/civic-quarter/
Here you will find information and a survey. An exhibition is also taking place on Thursday 16th Sept 5 till 8pm and Sat 18th Sept 12 till 4pm at Rushmoor council offices.

Lib Dem Campaigner for Empress Leola Card earlier this year raised the issue. " My personal view is that along with a new leisure centre we also need space for community groups that was lost when the community centre was closed and green space for everyone to enjoy in the town" Give your views to Rushmoor soon as all feedback is requested by the 23.59 on 26th Sept.