Empress view of Farnborough Civic Quarter
Last year Rushmoor borough Council undertook a consultation to gain views on its master plan for the civic quarter and we await the next phase of this process.
Your local Liberal Democrat campaigner Leola Card says "I have concerns about a number of elements of this plan. They include:
Housing proposed: Will the housing be affordable, of good quality and energy efficient and will enough parking be provided.
Civic Amenities: Does the plan provide what our community needs for the future. It should include spaces for community groups to meet. Quality leisure facilities that are affordable for all. Remembering that both the community centre and the Leisure centre have been demolished. Local residents currently have no facilities in Farnborough for some years to come.
Green Spaces: The plans show some green space. During the pandemic we have all craved the outdoors and it is a big priority. Is there enough green space for people coming into town centre and for the local residents who move into the new developments.
These are just some of the elements that we will be closely watching progress on. The plans showed very little detail so we await further information this year".