Civic Quarter plans submitted
Rushmoor Council has submitted
Proposals for the Development Farnborough Civic Quarter. Planning application Number: 22/00193/OUTPP. The planning application asks for: 1,006 new residential flats, leisure centre, office, retail, healthcare, entertainment including a new library, creation of new open spaces including replacement skate park.
There are plans to remove over 200 trees from the site, with the report saying, " the loss of trees will be offset
with significant new tree planting as part of the landscaping." What does significant mean 50-100-200? Councillor
Craig Card said " I have concerns, I have not found a specific number yet in the report to say how many trees will be planted."
The Government has stated that 30 million trees are to be planted each year in this country, are we replacing all the
trees on site or not. Why not take a look at the plans yourself and let us know what your views are. Contact us on