Adrian Collett attacks Pyestock plan at public inquiry

Liberal Democrat campaigner Cllr Adrian Collett urged the Planning Inspector to throw out proposals for a Mega-Depot at Pyestock last night. He was addressing the evening public session of the month-long Planning Inquiry.
Cllr Collett described the plan as "one of the most potentially damaging proposals that I have seen during my 28 years as a local councillor." He went on: "I believe that it would cause irreversible damage to the quality of life of hundreds, if not thousands, of local residents and to the quality of the local environment." He called on Planning Inspector Christina Downes to recommend that Secretary of State Hazel Blears throws the proposal out.
400 local residents attended the public session, showing just how much concern there is about this threat. Also among them were Lib Dem Group Leader on Rushmoor Borough Council Cllr Sue Gadsby, Lib Dem Yateley Town Councillor Roger Newman and Lib Dem candidate for St John's ward last May, Leola Card.
The decision is expected before the end of May.
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- Click here to read Adrian Collett's statement in full